Population: 4.22 million
Urban Population: 1.22 million
Area: 7,266 sq km
Nationalities: Han, Hui, and She

Friday, April 24, 2009

Class Assignments, etc.

Student radio station on campus

Dinner with some of my students and fellow American teacher, Evan.

In the last few weeks of class, we have been learning about American culture. The students have been excited to learn everything they can about America so I thought it would be a good opportunity to get them involved in discussions and practice their English.

One week, we watched an episode of the American tv show How I Met Your Mother. The only episode I had available was one without subtitles, but the students still did a great job making comparisons between American and Chinese culture and I learned a lot myself during these discussions. They told me they had a hard time understanding it though, and when there was a funny moment they often didn’t understand the humor. So for subsequent classes I showed episodes with English subtitles, and the students seemed to like the show much better!

Of course I explained that the show is only ONE example of American culture and not all Americans live the way portrayed in the show. But I think they made some good observations on their worksheets and in class discussion:


Many friends get together to drink to share interesting things. They want their friends’ advice and ideas. We both treasure friendships. Friendship is vital to both American and Chinese life.

Chinese people also have difficult issues when dealing in the matters of love.

Nowadays, many young people in metropolitan districts tend to go to clubs in China. They also like beer very much and even perform well in the Beer Festival in China.

Finding your true love can be as difficult as winning the lottery.


Most Chinese people won’t kiss their boyfriends or girlfriends in public.

Chinese people treat relationships between boyfriends and girlfriends more seriously than Americans.

People in China seldom hold parties in their own homes.

Americans are more direct and talk about private issues in public while Chinese people like to have privacy.

Americans in the show could talk with a taxi driver like a friend. In a Chinese show, the taxi driver would not speak.

American people express their feelings and love to others more directly than Chinese.

Individuals in America are more independent than those in China. The spirit of American culture is independent and free.

Chinese girls are not as open as American girls. In China, girls would not use such words in their conversations as the girls on the show.

We are not so open-minded, at least my father didn’t tell me how he met my mother.

For another week I prepared a PowerPoint presentation about American culture. It covered subjects such as industries, food, school life, religion, holidays, sports, and popular culture. Again they had a handout and we discussed their observations in class.

My students had such comments as:

What surprised you about American culture?

Chinese food in America is not authentic but contains characteristics of both Chinese and American food. There are not fortune cookies here. Also, many Americans use forks to eat Chinese food.

The so-called “Chinese foods” are not that Chinese in America.

I never thought there were so many religions in America. I always thought they were all Christians.

The meaning of “football” in the U.S. is different from the Chinese meaning.

When Americans celebrate Halloween they often dress themselves very strangely.

It is surprising that Americans watch an average of 4+ hours of tv a day. I think this is a little crazy.

I don’t know why so many Americans like such exciting sports like boxing. It a way, it is so violent.

Americans have created so much colorful culture and built so many tall buildings in such a short time.

What are similarities with Chinese culture?

Telecommunications is a top industry in both countries.

In China, we can find American food such as KFC and pizza.

Americans and Chinese are good cooks. We both have many kinds of delicious food.
Food varies from place to place and food is connected with the locals’ food habits.

What are your favorite things about American culture that you would like to experience or learn more about?

I want to go to the U.S. to celebrate Christmas day with an American family. It will be very nice. It is also my dream.

If I have a chance, I would like to go to America to go snowboarding because it is very exciting and I like snow very much.

I think the types of music in America are special and I would like to know more about country music. (I played samples of different types of popular American music including a clip of a country song by Carrie Underwood.)

In high schools, there are lockers for students to put things and I think this is very convenient and comfortable.

I love American movies very much. The writers of the movies are full of imagination.

In rural areas there are big farms and few people live there. I want to buy a big house and a big farm in the USA.

I’ve always wondered what turkey tastes like on Thanksgiving Day.

I want to know more about American boys. Maybe I can fall in love with an American boy.

“Fortune cookies” are one of the funniest foods I’ve ever seen. I would like to try one.

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